AMS headshot

Alejandra Maria Suazo

Bilingual individual with a strong background in communication, customer service and adaptability. Confident in interacting with people of all ages and assisting them with a variety of needs. Able to work in a fast-paced environment while maintaining professionalism.


About Me!

I was born in San Francisco raised Pinole California by two immigrant parents from Honduras. Being rasied only 30 minutes away from one of the most technologically advanced cities in America, I developed a passion for the tech world and improving my family's quality of life as a first-generation American. In the East Bay, access to tech programs is limited, motivating my journey with Dev/Mission. Equipped with strong communication skills from prior educational roles and newly acquired technical proficiency through Dev/Mission's Registered Pre-Apprenticeship program, I'm eager to join fellow first-generation Americans in the tech industry!


With N.A. at graduation
Volunteer Work

Working as a volunteer to help visually impaired students.

street lights kanye west
Lyrics Page

Working with HMTL, CSS, Javascript

sun qoute

A qoute that I live by

break and build
Computer Assembly

Hands on break and build of a PC.

red mirror

A personal passion.

Contact Me


Alejandra M Suazo